Green Infrastructure

View Our Interactive Guide to Green Infrastructure in New Orleans

Why is Green Infrastructure Important?

Stormwater runoff from urban areas delivers many pollutants to our canals, lakes, and rivers-including pathogens, nutrients, sediment and heavy metals. By retaining rainfall where it lands, green infrastructure reduces flooding and improves the quality of our surrounding water bodies. Water that is retained or detained can infiltrate into the ground, be filtered by plants and soils, and recharge groundwater, helping to prevent subsidence. Stormwater that is detained is treated naturally by GI before it enters our canals, lakes, and rivers.

Green Infrastructure Resources

Green Infrastructure Plan PDF 196 KB

Created in 2014, the Sewerage & Water Board Green Infrastructure Plan explains the importance of strong stormwater management within the unique context of New Orleans. This 5-year plan is a commitment to pursue green infrastructure strategies that address stormwater capacity and water quality and is backed by a $2.5 million investment.

Interactive Guide to Green Infrastructure in New Orleans Story Map
EPA - Green Infrastructure Site
City of New Orleans Stormwater Ordinance
City of New Orleans Ready for Rain
City of New Orleans Office of Resilience and Sustainability
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