This page is scheduled to be updated to our new layout shortly. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work hard to bring you a better online experience.
Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans
Our mission is to provide safe drinking water to everyone in New Orleans; to remove waste water for safe return to the environment; to drain
away storm water; to provide water for fire protection; to provide information about products and services; and to do all of this continuously at a reasonable cost to the community.
0 then
elseif InStr(rsAlert("Description"), "[yellow]") > 0 then
elseif InStr(rsAlert("Description"), "[green]") > 0 then
elseif InStr(rsAlert("Description"), "[gray]") > 0 then
end if
Our Customer Service Center located at 625 St Joseph St will have adjusted hours due to Mardi Gras
Updated 2/20/2025 12:24:16 PM
Our Customer Service Center located at 625 St Joseph St will have adjusted hours due to Mardi Gras 2025:
-Friday, Feb 21 (8:00am-3:00pm) -Wednesday, Feb 26 (8:00am-4:00pm) -Thursday, Feb 27 (8:00am-3:00pm) -Friday, Feb 28 (8:00am-3:00pm) -Monday, March 3 (8:00am-3:00pm) -Tuesday, March 4 (Closed for Mardi Gras)
Our Emergency Call Center is open every day of the year, 24/7. To report a water or sewer issue, please call 504-52-WATER.